St Thomas Hospital
St Thomas Hospital Project in Enugu. A 29 bedded project set in a deprived area of former coal mining town. Healthcare provision is not formalised in Nigeria and health costs is massive. It is a general hospital that was opened December 2018.
The hospital is located within well structured gardens and enjoys ambience quietness despite the surroundings.
The outpatients department has a waiting area, 3 consulting rooms and a treatment room . Furnishing and equipment meet the standards of the NIHS and HMOs.
There is an integrated pharmacy and side laboratory, to facilitate composite patient care.
The ward area comprises of six bedded male and six bedded female sections. A nurses station is situated between the male and female bays.
There is a well-equipped operating theatre, which complies with the standard set by the NHIS.
The maternity has 3 well defined sections. A labour room, a first stage room and a postnatal room.
Each section has a designated Toilet and shower/ bathrooms section attached to each.
The doctor's on call room is situated between the maternity and the theatre.
A staff quarters is located at the rear of the hospital grounds.
There are two generators each of 15KVA.